Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fast euclidean distance in matlab/octave

On this topic we could see an interesting discussion about how make the fastest euclidean distance.

But I have see that on Octave, it is not true at all...

 a= rand(1000, 800);
b= rand(1000, 800);

%method A:
tic; d = sqrt( sum((a-b) .* (a-b),2)); toc;

%method B
tic; d = sqrt( sum(a.*a + b.*b - 2 *( a .*b),2)); toc;

%method C
aa=sum(a.*a,1); bb=sum(b.*b,1);
 d = abs(aa( ones(size(bb,2),1), :)' + bb( ones(size(aa,2),1), :) - 2*a'*b); toc

A => Elapsed time is 0.02084 seconds.
B => Elapsed time is 0.0335 seconds.
C => Elapsed time is 1.49 seconds.

So on my machine the naive method is the fastest, certainly due the fact that octave do not use SSE library for my part.

1 comment:

  1. Same on my machine! here the results
    octave:1> a= rand(1000, 800);
    octave:2> b= rand(1000, 800);
    octave:3> tic; d = sqrt( sum((a-b) .* (a-b),2)); toc;
    Elapsed time is 0.0249498 seconds.
    octave:4> tic; d = sqrt( sum(a.*a + b.*b - 2 *( a .*b),2)); toc;
    Elapsed time is 0.030062 seconds.
    octave:5> tic;aa=sum(a.*a,1); bb=sum(b.*b,1);d = abs(aa( ones(size(bb,2),1), :)' + bb( ones(size(aa,2),1), :) - 2*a'*b); toc
    Elapsed time is 0.341904 seconds.
